Discover the power
of AI Career Pages


How to recruit quickly and efficiently? With our AI-powered career pages, you can have
a fully responsive and seamlessly integrated page in a matter of weeks, saving you time and money on every new hire. Naturally, the career pages are linked to your own recruitment system/ATS or ours.

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Jiří Müller, CEO and co-founder 2MAD: "' AI-powered career site was ready in just 3 weeks with minimal cooperation from us. They started bringing us not only potential employees, but also became a useful source of contractors for us."


Petr Bednařík, CEO of Datasentics: "We are an IT company and we wanted professional career paths integrated with ATS quickly. The solution was certainly better for us than our own development, with the solution of errors during implementation and especially during operation and upgrades."

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Bc. Markéta Krása, Marketing Manager at mBlue: "The introduction of Al technology, developed by, meant a paradigm shift in job search satisfaction for us and our candidates. In terms of numbers, we received 5x more resumes and around 97% candidate satisfaction level.”

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Michal Rozehnal, CEO, "One recruitment of a candidate through a recruitment agency paid us for the AI career site from for 3 years."

Benefits of AI Career Pages

  • 3x more CVs

  • Highly customizable design and latest templates

  • Fair play approach - standard adjustments in the price of operation

  • Free of charge our recruitment system/ATS
  • Seamless integration with 100+ recruitment systems/ATS

  • Multilingualism – 107 languages

  • Online reporting measuring the effectiveness and behavior of candidates

  • Security and stability, in compliance with GDPR

  • Solutions for small businesses and global corporations

  • Implementation time 1-4 weeks




Wondering how your career page is doing?

  • It only takes 4 minutes and you will find out what condition your career page is in.
  • You will map out which areas are key for quality career pages.
  • You will evaluate what is important to your potential candidates and what motivates them to leave a CV.
  • Find out if career pages can help you build your employer brand successfully.
  • We wish you good luck!

Simple implementation within 4 weeks:


Choose a name

Choose your own subdomain,
or use ours.


Choose the colors

Based on your brand identity, we will customize the appearance of the page. E.g. font style, colors, page background, photos, videos, icons.


Select features

AI search, filters, analytics (predefined set of performance measurement metrics),
preset communication with candidates

Our clients' goals:

  • Increase the number of candidates
  • Increase the relevance of candidates
  • Acceleration of recruitment (time to hire)
  • Have a modern design
  • Fast implementation
  • Reduce costs (cost to hire)
  • Be independent of the ATS supplier or job portal
  • Linking career pages to ATS (your own or ours)
  • Use of AI in recruitment
  • Positive candidate experience

What we helped to solve:

  • No career page
  • Implementation of a free of charge recruitment system/ATS
  • Outdated design - UX/UI (User experience/User interface)
  • Career pages on a domain of supplier
  • Problem with integration to multiple companies or ATS
  • Broken technology
  • Missing reporting
  • Own development – slow implementation of changes
  • Responsiveness
  • Multilingualism

Our clients:

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