AI search
for your career pages
- increase up to 3x the amount of candidates obtained
- enable searches for job offers tailored to candidates' CVs
- streamline the candidate application process
- search for jobs regardless of language
more CVs
faster search
Fewer clicks - 3x more CVs
Do you have a great brand that attracts top talents to your career pages? Increase the number of candidates hired by letting them upload their CV in the first step.
Don't ask candidates to look at vacancies, but to upload their CVs.
Don't lose candidates by having to filter complexly. Try the AI.
Improve the candidate experience
Give candidates a unique experience when searching for their dream job with a faster and more fun way to find a relevant advertisement.
Join our satisfied clients:
Use the power of AI
In a unique way, we combine generative AI and AI created in collaboration with our investor Datasentics to achieve unparalleled accuracy in finding an ad based on a candidate's resume.
AI search for career sites increases the number of acquired candidates up to three times.
Any language
Provide 24/7 assistance to your candidates with multilingual AI search for career sites.
Enable candidates to search for positions with a CV written in any language and document format they prefer.
How many job openings do you have yearly?
Choose a suitable option for your company or get advice on the choice.
One-time fee for creating career pages from 1,000 €
One-time fee for possible AI chatbot implementation 400 €
If you have more job openings per year, for example within a holding, do not hesitate to contact us.
Try AI search for your career pages
Leora Gorbunova
Obchodní manažerka
+420 771 278 993