
The 2MAD group represents a combination of experts from various industries who decided to create several complementary companies together.
The main core of the group are architects and designers, who are further complemented by implementation and production companies. With this connection, we manage to implement all our projects from the first idea to the final construction exactly according to our and our clients' ideas. At 2MAD, we strive to provide a comprehensive solution. For this reason, we also need a wide range of experts, or contractors, who will fit into our teams and understand our philosophy.

The dream.jobs solution

From the discussion with 2MAD, it emerged that the ideal solution for them would be an inspiring career site with an attractive design, which would be beneficial not only for potential employees, but also for the range of contractors that 2MAD uses for its projects.


Results of the dream.jobs solution

Career sites with artificial intelligence from dream.jobs were implemented in just 3 weeks with minimal need for cooperation from our side. The speed of development, the preparation of texts and the design of career pages really surprised us. With essentially minimal modifications, we were able to launch the site and automate our recruitment. We also immediately started building a database of contractors that we could share within the entire 2MAD group.


2MAD Case Study (EN)

2MAD Case Study (CZ)